What is the EreMika Exchange?
This event aims to bring together EreMika writers, artists and enthusiasts to share their work and love for AOT’s main, canon couple!
1. Fanfiction must be a minimum of 1000 words.
2. Fanart must be at least a page of a finished piece (no sketches, no doodles).
3. Soc Med AUs must be a finished one-shot. (Minimum of 20 tweets)
4. NSFW is permitted unless your recipient is a minor or does not wish to receive NSFW work.
5. Your gift must be specifically created for this event and should not have been posted elsewhere previously.
The check-in forms will be provided by the mods. There will be some questions that participants will need to answer regarding the status of their assignment. This is to ensure that everyone is on track and will be able to post their gifts during the posting period. This will also help mods determine the participants’ assigned posting date.
Participants will be given a week to answer the check-in form. If one does not answer the form within the time period given, the EreMika Exchange Team may assume that they have dropped out from the event.
We highly encourage everyone to make sure they are 100 percent willing to participate in the event before they sign up. But as much as we discourage anyone from dropping out, we understand that there may be instances or emergency situations that may force participants to suddenly back out from the event, halfway or during the creation period.
Should this happen, the best thing to do is that participants message the EreMika Exchange account or contact one of the moderators (via twitter ) as soon as possible so the team can assess the situation immediately and organize a backup gift for the dropped out participant’s recipient.
If one’s recipient drops out, we'll contact the gifter as soon as possible. Depending on their progress, they can either choose to take on a new recipient and create something for them instead or finish the creation and post it as part of the event, without a recipient. Gifters with dropped out recipients don't have to tag the original gift recipient unless they choose to.
Please keep in mind that what you receive is a gift. These gifts might not follow your exact prompts or preferences, but please take into consideration that your gifter did their best to make something special for you. Even if the gift you receive isn't to your taste, remember to say thank you and appreciate the effort of the person who made it.
After all, the purpose of this event is to show appreciation and spread love to EreMika and EreMika creators during the Christmas season.
This event is organized by the EreMika Exchange Team. You may dm the twitter account or reach out through the mods.